Johnny Rich is an award-winning writer of fiction, guidebooks and journalism. Here is a small selection of his creative work.

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The Human Script       

Johnny’s debut novel was first published in April 2013 by Red Button Publishing. Click here for more details.

The Human Script is available in both print and Kindle formats from or Please follow @human_script on Twitter and ‘Like’ The Human Script on Facebook.

You can read a sample extract here.

Short fiction

Johnny occasionally writes short fiction for which he has won a few awards. Here are two samples:


Johnny is the published author of a wide range of non-fiction books, papers and journalism, including:

The Push Guides: a series of guidebooks to universities and student life.

  • The Push Guide to Which University was published in 12 annual editions and became the best-selling guide to UK universities. Johnny wrote or co-wrote the first three editions and edited all further editions.
  • Johnny also wrote two other Push guides: The Push Guide to Choosing a University and The Push Guide to Student Money, not of which appeared in three editions. 
  • The final print editions of Push’s books were published in 2011, after which the content moved to the Push website where Johnny continued to edit a rolling programme of updated content.

Policy and research papers

Johnny has written or co-authored a number of policy and research papers on various aspects of education and employability. Among these are:


A woefully incomplete selection of articles on a range of topics:


Johnny Rich’s books on Goodreads
