IP Inclusive & Careers in Ideas

Over the past couple of years, I been doing some consultancy work for IP Inclusive, an initiative to support diversity in the intellectual property (IP) profession. I’ve been impressed by what lovely and dedicated people they are. I’ve also been delighted to be working in collaboration with the knowledgeable and utterly driven Duncan Grant and highly recommended web development team Visix

The original job was to create some materials to promote IP careers in schools. I argued that IP Inclusive was a poor brand for this campaign: it looks at the issue from the employers’ perspective, not the students’. I came up with the name ‘Careers in Ideas’ and, once we had produced the resources for schools, the team commissioned us to produce a website for Careers in Ideas.

Our work was instrumental in helping the IP Inclusive team from the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys to win the MemCom Award for Best Equality or Diversity Campaign 2018. 

And now, IP Inclusive has invited us back to revamp their own website which is aimed at campaign supporters and IP professionals, particularly those from communities that are underrepresented in the sector.

The key challenge is a common one for websites: how do we create a site that will need minimum maintenance, but will always look fresh. My design work has focussed on a solution which drives users to the feast of content in interactive ways. The new site won’t be live for a while, but do watch this space to let me know what you think of our solutions.

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